Tag Archive for: channel management


Following is an orientation for a channel sales/marketing person, executive or intern who is new to the channel or to a company that sells through the channel. In addition, not every channel person has set up a new program from scratch, or been exposed to all of the channel concepts–so this is also a good review for experienced channel pros.

Welcome to the Basic Channel Orientation Course

If new to the company, or to the channel team then please review the following (whatever is currently available) before proceeding:

  • Review every major page of your company website. Know where everything is (you will need it if you have to direct a reseller to find content)
  • Know the price for your products
  • If your company already has a reseller program, review every single page (you’ll review it in more detail later–this is an overview)
  • Complete your own reseller application and view the e-mails and process already in place
  • The company channel marketing plan
  • The product competitive matrix (for whatever products you will promote)

Then proceed through the lessons. This course will systematically take you through many of the sections located throughout Chanimal, plus a few hidden sections and provide some unique downloads–so you will be fully orientated by the time you are through.

Take The Quiz

Each section is followed by a detailed quiz that you must pass to move on to the next section. There is a 80% passing rate and the sections usually contain 10-20 questions. You are allowed up to three tries to pass the material (and the questions change) and there is no timer. Fortunately, most of it is multiple choice and open book (it is important that you are exposed to and know where to find the information. Besides, you’ll internalize the information with use).


At the end of the final exam, you will be rewarded with a Chanimal University Channel Orientation Certificate of Completion (PDF format).  It is not as prestigious as the Certified Channel Manager Certificate, but there is also no cost. However, as you will discover, it will verify that you are up to speed (at least knowledge-wise) enough to get started, and more prepared than many of the industry channel managers.  It is also critical if you make any decisions regarding the channel (i.e., a manager or executive who decides channel policies), and is a gateway to the profession of channel management.

Lesson Materials

Additional Help

You are welcome to call or e-mail with questions or post inquiries within the Forum.  I’m happy to help.

Best of luck,

Ted Finch (aka Chanimal)

P.S. Each section will require you to either Mark Complete or Take Quiz after completing it.

channel marketing training

1) Watch the video below, “Building a SaaS Channel, a Step-by-Step Approach.” It covers the three phases of a partner program: 1) defining, 2) recruiting, and 3) enabling a channel. It covers ALL the channel (software, hardware, services), but also includes a section on the unique differences for a SaaS channel (as a Channel Manager, you will need to know all of this so you can transfer between roles and not have to re-learn).

The video is a good channel overview. You can expand to watch full screen if you wish. Grab some popcorn and enjoy your lunch-n-learn. It is apx. one hour long.

2) Review EVERY page of the channel marketing section of Chanimal (includes 7 sections). Take notes and be prepared to be tested on everything (MDF, VARs, phases of a reseller program, elements of a VAR kit, how to recruit resellers, ways to keep them motivated, software that helps you with the resellers, and more.)

Go to Channel Marketing (opens in its own window).

3) Now, take the test (you can refer to the Channel Marketing sections during the test–but it is best to internalize the material if you plan to do this long-term).

Lesson Materials

  • Building a SaaS Channel (PowerPoint). This is a copy of the PowerPoint used in the video. You may wish to download this PowerPoint to review it during the quiz. Note, sometimes the newer PowerPoints come across as zip files (since they are compressed). If so, rename the extension to .ppt and it should work. You can also modify and personalize this PowerPoint to conduct a brief channel orientation of your own for your internal team.

Execute With a Vengence – Final Exam

All of this information has got to have your head swimming. Fortunately, it will internalize as you start to execute and put it all together. This is where you start to earn your pay. This is the end of the orientation process.

The following are the typical next steps of execution for a new program or review and modifications of an existing program.

  1. Review your own company reseller partner program and portal site—whatever is done so far (if at all). Read EVERY document and make a long list of questions. Be prepared to be tested on your reseller agreement, levels, lead policy, NFR copies, MDF/Co-op policies, promotions, support capabilities, your presentations, etc. If you don’t have any or all of this–then there is little to review–so you get to put it together. Fun!
  2. Review the competitive matrix spreadsheet (the one we used to define the program).  Go from left to right and mark each item with a “0” for NO (doesn’t apply–like “evals” are only for hardware), X for completed and TODO for items left to complete.  Then compile the items left to do, prioritize them and uses the samples within the sample reseller portal to recreate your own.
  3. Get your portal created. Review and edit the sample portal copy and pass it over to your webmaster, along with the link to the varportal.chanimal.com sample site.  Most sites are generic to start with, then you can add the databases, unique password info, etc. once you have over 50 partners (that’s when it usually gets too complex to manage it manually).  You may then consider a PRM (like Channeltivity or others) when it gets more complex.
  4. Review the outstanding deliverables (for the portal site (if any) and prioritize them.  Most folks have to complete the competitive matrix and PowerPoint. You will also create the demo scripts for your product, etc.
  5. Review the promotional e-mail that is sent to the resellers and the email system to send it out.
  6. Update the partner follow-up spreadsheet that shows the steps to recruit and follow-up with our reseller partners.  It is within the Channel Kit.
  7. Practice doing a review of our own portal—since you will need to start the orientation with the latest resellers.
  8. Work with the team to get a product demo script completed.  It is not that hard—watch someone give a demo and document the items shown.  See examples within the sample reseller portal (varportal.chanimal.com).
  9. Contact any of your new resellers (if you have any so far) to take them through the orientation process (whatever needs to be completed).  Also, most resellers turn over their salespeople about every 6-12 months, so you will have to set up a schedule to systematically cycle through them to re-train new team members.
  10. Start the next phase of the recruiting process (send out the next batch of e-mails, follow-up via phone with those that respond, contact the good ones that don’t respond (they are often very receptive, it is just that their system may have blocked our e-mails)).
  11. See the Channel plan of action for additional steps.

Final Exam for Orientation

Now it is time to see if you know your stuff. You won’t have the level of information to be a Certified Channel Manager, but by now you should have a good understanding of what needs to get done, you will know the terms and the process (and won’t embarrass yourself when talking to a reseller) and you can start to execute.  Take the test and you’re on your way!

Get Help

Even though the process and the information is documented within the Channel Manager Orientation training, you may still get confused or need help with some of the steps or the associated deliverables. You can send e-mail to Chanimal. You can also get affordable help with the Chanimal Micro Consulting (a channel pro for a modest amount per month (month-to-month)).

The Chanimal model is simple, most everything is free–unless you expect me to get off my duff and do something (then somebody is going to pay for it ;-).  Actually, whenever someone needs help getting it executed, then I can help (and the micro consulting model is extremely affordable).   Even with all the plans and information, I can usually speed up the process 5 – 10x.  My record: Setup the program, defined all agreements policies and re-purpose the portal to start recruiting–in ten (10) hours!  Your time varies (depending on how much of the portal content you have done (take hours to weeks)).

Please call or e-mail for more free information, or to check on availability if you need help to execute (Chanimal can work with 6-16 companies at a time, so sometimes you have to get on the list for openings). Check out the Micro Consulting program here.

Open Mic – LIVE help every Thursday

There is a live session where you can ask any questions or get any type of help every Thursday from 2-3 pm CST (Austin, TX) – holidays excluded. Sometimes it is filled with visitors, other times it is empty (so you get individual help). If nobody shows up after 15 minutes, then it is closed–otherwise, it is LIVE for the entire hour.  Go to www.GoToMeet.me/TedFinch (no password is needed–give it a minute if it has not started yet (I’m often coming off consulting calls)).

Certified Channel Manager

Thanks for going through the Chanimal Orientation Training for a new (or even existing) Channel Manager and executives. It does not include the scope of the full Chanimal Certified Channel Manager program, and it uses existing public information (unlike the Certification training which has more detail, templates, and samples), but it contains enough information to get you jump-started and on your way.

certified channel manager

Click HERE  (opens in own window) to view the complete list of topics that are covered within the Certified Channel Manager coursework, and the passing of which, will put you in the elite category as a Certified Channel Manager. I encourage you to consider completing the certification training if you expect this to be your ongoing profession. It is also a great addition to your resume.

Below is a shameless video plug for the full Certified Channel Manager course:

Best of luck as you take the final exam and qualify for your Channel Orientation Certificate.

Tag Archive for: channel management

Free Basic Channel Orientation – Course Overview

This is a free basic channel manager training orientation course free channel manager trainingfor anyone who is new to the channel, has experience in some areas, but little in others, or wants a refresher course in channel management. To complete the free channel manager orientation course you must pass the final exam (so take notes and learn your material).

This should take about 4-6 hours to complete. Below is a list of lessons within the course. You will get a certificate of completion when you pass the final test.

NOTE: This course includes several videos and is fairly detailed, but a lot of the course is text-based and often takes you on a tour through the Chanimal content. It is not nearly as fancy as the paid course (the Certified Channel Manager course has 31 videos)–but this course is free. Take the Free TRIAL Course if you want to see what some of the higher-end course content looks like (includes 4 actual lessons).

The checkmark next to each lesson below will turn green after you have completed this section–making it easy for you to start exactly where you left off if you need to return. You can also go to different sections by selecting the topic to the right (redundant navigation). You may also want to take the tutorial–shows shortcuts to return to lessons, navigation, etc.

Click the first lesson to begin. Need more advanced training? Then check out the Certified Channel Manager course, or get four detailed lessons with the free trial. Also, check out the resources at Chanimal.com.

Open Mic – LIVE help every Thursday

There is a live session where you can ask any questions or get any type of help every Thursday from 2-3 pm CST (Austin, TX) – holidays excluded. Sometimes it is filled with visitors, other times it is empty (so you get individual help). If nobody shows up after 15 minutes, then it is closed–otherwise, it is live for the entire hour.  Go to www.GoToMeet.me/TedFinch (no password is needed–give it a minute if not open yet (often coming off consulting calls)).

Thanks for viewing this course. Click the button to enroll and begin.