As a corporate Vice President of a $130 billion, $33 billion, and several smaller $4 and $7 billion dollar companies (plus a few start-ups), I always had to create an annual budget. It could take me weeks to identify all of the elements and properly forecast—only to have the CEO approve it, then come back and say, “Ok. Now take 20% off”.
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So, I created a budget spreadsheet that identifies the main items and is easy to use that covers all the bases–quickly.
I have used this for a $200 million division, right down to 3 person start-ups. It also uses an interesting approach to establish a variable budget based on sales and recruiting resellers. You only input a few variables and it calculates the rest. It usually takes less than 1 hour to create my budgets with this template (and I use it with most of my consulting companies).
Includes a budget spreadsheet (Excel), plus a PowerPoint showing how I build my scratch budgets based on ROI. Using this kind of PowerPoint, I have been able to sell my budget and have usually gotten 100% of what I asked for.
NEW – it also contains a Channel Sales Forecasting Model for the Channel that takes into account avg deal size, Sales Cycle, #of Deals/Month, Channel Size per month, and more.
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