What Next?

Now that you have taken the free trial, I encourage you to write a short review, and download your certificate.

Write a Review

Please provide feedback on the free trial content. Click HERE (opens in its own window so you don’t lose your place–click the Reviews tab). A short 1-2 sentences is fine. It only takes a minute–Thank you in advance!!

Get Your Certificate

After this page, you’ll be returned to the opening page where you can download the digital version of your certificate (on top of the page).

Need More Information?

Click on any of the topics below for more information about the Chanimal University courses. All links below open in their own window so you won’t lose your place.

Attend the Open Mic – LIVE help every Thursday

There is a live session where you can ask any questions or get any type of help every Thursday from 2-3 pm CST (Austin, TX) – holidays excluded. Sometimes it is filled with visitors, other times it is empty (so you get individual help). If nobody shows up after 15 minutes, then it is closed–otherwise, it is live for the entire hour.  Go to www.GoToMeet.me/TedFinch (no password is needed–give it a minute if not open yet (often coming off consulting calls)).

Consider the Full Course

I hope you will consider the full course used to train over 10,000 channel managers from Apple, Intel, Adobe, Mitsubishi, Citrix, VM Ware, Google, Microsoft, Sony, Autodesk, 3M, Survey Monkey, Dell, GE, Motorola, Disney, Red Storm, IBM, Toshiba and the list goes on. Here are a few comments…

Industry Feedback

  • Great education – unbelievable depth of content here. It is more than just a certificate – It is an MBA in the channel!” Jay McBain, Principal Analyst – Forrester, Channel Influencer of the Year
  • ” I especially like the depth of content, the enthusiastic style, and the over 100 included best-practice templates, samples, and worksheets. It should be a required course for every channel manager.” Dina Moskowitch, CEO Partner Optimizer, Top 50 Channel Influencers
  • “…as an experienced channel person, I could see how all the pieces fit together. It’s laid out in a fun and engaging way and was definitely worth my time.”Valiant Cummings, Director of Global Partner Programs & Operations – Google

Special Offer

Email me within 10 days of course completion to get a special coupon for 10% off the course–that’s almost a $200 savings off the normal price (can be combined with any other offer).

Feel free to call or email with any questions–and again, congratulations on completing the Free Trial!

Best Regards,

Ted Finch, CEO & Founder

Lesson Materials


View the following section on Chanimal.

  • Pros & Cons of Distributors (website). Be prepared to know the advantages and disadvantages to vendors and why resellers like wholesale distributors.
  • Channel Sales eBook v6 – OpenView & Hubspot (PDF). I’ve worked with OpenView Partners, a value-added VC firm, helping some of their portfolio companies to build their channels. One of their add-on value is channel development tips. Here is an older (but still applicable) eBook that gives several valuable tips on building a company channel. I especially liked the part about avoiding channel conflict. Worth a read.


NOTE: You can adjust the speed of the video (.5 to 2x faster) at any time by clicking on the 1x button on the bottom of the video controls. See graphic below:

Industry Terminology – The Language of the Channel

The industry has its unique terminology. Sometimes it can be confusing. It is important that everyone gets a level set and calls everything the same thing. For example, at Motorola, they called their resellers “distributors” or disti’s for short. It was correct, they distributed the product–but to the end-user (which made them resellers). The term distributor typically means a wholesale distributor in a two-tier model. Everyone must speak the same language.

Watch the video and review the PowerPoint PDF to learn the fundamental terms of the channel–critical since this course will be using the standard terms throughout. Study this section carefully since there will be numerous questions about it in the quiz.

Lesson Materials

Special Reward

In the video, it stated that you won the “I Survived Award” for not dying of boredom. Click HERE to download your hi-res printable PDF. Congratulations!


To reinforce the terminology (you’ll need multiple exposures to this new language to make sure you understand it before proceeding). and also to get a good overview of the elements of a channel program, you will want to watch the video below, “How to Create a Reseller Program.” (1 hour 14 minutes)

This has been the standard channel presentation given at SaaS University and at numerous channel conferences throughout the country. Although created as an introduction to the channel, even experienced channel managers will find valuable tips.

Note: This second video refers to several resources (portal content with password, a kit, etc.). This is the video given at channel conferences, but the content referred to will be provided in subsequent lessons (updated and refined). Keep going!!  😉


Chanimal uses a Learning Management System (LMS) for all lessons. The following are short videos that show how to enroll and navigate the course (HIGHLY recommended).

NEW Feature: Please note the 1x to 2x button on the bottom right when watching the course video–you can actually watch it up to 2x faster!

How to Enroll (2.27 min)

How to Navigate, Take Quizzes & Get Your Certificate (5 min)

Now, take the tutorial quiz and you’ll earn a free certificate. Please note, the name on the certificate uses your login name–so you won’t have a name for this certificate unless you have enrolled in any of the classes (even the free course).

This section addresses creating a competitive channel program. Make sure the download and use the spreadsheet below–it is one of the CORE spreadsheets I use whenever defining or fixing a channel program–it helps determine the applicable elements (i.e., deal reg, levels, leads, NFR policies, etc.). You’ll get additional exposure to this worksheet in another section–but this is how it is used to compare your existing program to the competition’s program.

Lesson Materials

  • Lesson PowerPoint: Competitive Channel Analysis (PDF). Detailed analysis of your competitor’s channel program–and how to leverage weaknesses. Do they have channel conflict? Do they have too many or too few distributors? What is their recommendation rate? Easy to work with? Do buyers like them?  Is your product competitive? Good program (deal reg, leads, free training, certification, levels, NFR)–holes you can leverage.


  • Defining Your Partner Program – Elements of Your Program (Excel). This worksheet is used to define a new partner program–but also to do an assessment of a competitor’s partner program. How to use this worksheet is in a later worksheet, but it is for setting up a new program. You can use it earlier to do an analysis. This is the FIRST worksheet I always complete (takes 1 hour) whenever I consult–since we have to define the partner program the elements we need–then we start to put it together. Instructions:
    1. Replace the Acme name with your own company name.
    2. Above are numerous samples of actual partner programs as a sample. If you are defining a new partner program, you can leave the data. If you are doing a competitive analysis, you can replace the samples with your top five competitors. It contains every element of a partner program. The top labels each have helpful comment files explaining the topics.
    3. Proceed along the titles on the top to define or compare your program. Put on “X” in your program if you MUST have this feature to launch or compete. X means you must have it. A RED X means it is missing (you’ll add it to your deliverables to complete). Later means you want it, but don’t need it to launch. O means you don’t need that feature.

Lesson Materials

  • Lesson PowerPoint: Preparing Your Company For Change (PDF). Multiple case studies of companies who did it right and wrong. We are responsible to educate our companies, how to avoid the US vs them mentality, understanding your area of control vs influence, roles of the channel team (channel management (general), channel sales and channel marketing). how to reduce channel conflict and compensation models.


The sales comp plan and description were commissioned by a Fortune 100 vendor and completed by Chanimal. Comp plans were compiled from enterprise companies like Symantec, IBM, CA, Microsoft, and Autodesk, along with fast-growing smaller tech companies that had successful direct and channel sales teams. The compiled compensation plans were then reviewed and refined by all participants producing one of the industry’s best-practice comp plans. You can save these documents and compare and refine your existing comp plans. Below are the results:

You can also view additional job descriptions, a high-tech organizational chart, and additional comp plans (including contracts) in the Chanimal.com Human Resources section.

NOTE: Remember, to help you retain the material you should TEACH someone the concepts you learn along the way while taking this course.


Lesson Materials

  • Defining a Channel Program – Elements (PDF). While still at the program definition stage, it introduces the concepts of levels, online portal, partner application, agreement, support, configurator, annual partner meeting, FAE support, certification, lead policies, territories, and deal registration.


Review the following  REQUIRED sections on Chanimal

  • Channel Marketing (Website). Be prepared to be tested on the roles of channel marketing and channel sales, direct or indirect channels.
  • How to Create a Reseller Partner Program (Website). You should be able to recite the three phases of a partner program and be aware of the elements of a partner program (including NFR and levels). Check out any of the existing partner programs–and the Chanimal partner program samples.

Other Resources

  • Are User Agreements Enforceable? (Website). Most reseller agreements are “click-through” acceptance–exactly like an End User License Agreement (EULA). Some agreements MUST be signed (i.e., sometimes the government requires a signed agreement of their security mandates with security products), but most do not–they can be accepted during the application form. This article will help you make the defense for the standard reseller click-through agreement when some companies still think it must be signed, or that it is more enforceable.

Lesson Materials

  • Lesson PowerPoint: Program Elements Part 2 (PDF).  Identifying additional elements of your partner program including white papers, PowerPoints, Forum, training, lead generation, and polices (leads, MDF, Certification and NFR). Also discusses deal registration vs territories.


Review the REQUIRED section on Chanimal

  • Reseller Kit (Website). Be aware of the content type and know the difference between the retail and VAR kits.

Lesson Material


  • Partner Optimizer (Website). Details about one of the industry’s most powerful systems to match your product to the perfect partner. As I like to say, “If a reseller spits–Partner Optimizer can tell you which direction.” It is the holy grail of all databases (over 150,000 resellers) with incredible profile information and an intelligent system to achieve perfect matchmaking.

Lesson Material

  • Lesson PowerPoint: PRM & Partner Portal (PDF). Types of portals, what resellers look for, basic, intermediate, and advanced needs. Elements to consider include a good resource library, detailed policies, deal registration, reseller locator, forum, an LMS, and how to integrate for analytics and reports.


This section contains a LOT of resource content, including access to the sample portal site (with pre-fab content, policies, samples), plus the complete Chanimal “Kit” – all the main elements needed to set up a partner program.

  • Sample Portal site (Website). This is the Chanimal / SaaSMAX portal (available through either sources). It has been in development (revision 52) and refinement since 2015 and is developed in WordPress.  It can be cloned in ten minutes and includes a password-protected portal, media library, auto-notify registration, MDF, order, and lead forms, deal reg, zip-code reseller locator, forum, newsletter distribution, and LMS plus ALL the policies, agreements, and structure to run a world-class partner program–it easily integrates with all popular CRMs and marketing automation systems.
  • As part of this course, you can access the site (branded “SaaSMAX – demo site”) as an example of how a portal is set up and how all the pieces fit together. Please do not complete and submit the forms (so I don’t have to erase the data afterward ;-). Your guest login is similar to what a reseller would see, so it does not show the backend or the admin section which contains instructions to run every aspect of a partner program, with samples, instructions, and videos.
  • Channel Kit (zip). Contains over 70 documents (several are linked separately within subsequent lessons–but this is a compiled document of all the major documents for a channel program).
    • Includes sample policies, demo script, how to determine margins, reseller approval email, program checklist, roles of the channel deal, why deal registration, market info, portal demo script, recruiting phone dialogues, sample reseller recruiting process, portal copy, sample reseller quiz, agenda for marketing meetings, reseller SEO template, sources for reseller database and much more.

Open Mic – LIVE help every Thursday

There is a live session where you can ask any questions or get any type of help every Thursday from 2-3 pm CST (Austin, TX) – holidays excluded. Sometimes it is filled with visitors, other times it is empty (so you get individual help). If nobody shows up after 15 minutes, then it is closed–otherwise, it is live for the entire hour.  Go to www.GoToMeet.me/TedFinch (no password is needed–give it a minute if not open yet (often coming off consulting calls)).

Help Us Know You Better

Please complete the form below to help us to better understand your background. Thank you in advance.

Course Profile - FREE Trial

  • Which company are you with? Write NONE if you enrolled on your own.
  • How did you find out about this course?
  • What is the name of the source that brought you to Chanimal University (put NONE if not applicable)
  • Had you considered any alternative training courses or programs? If so, which ones & why are you looking at Chanimal University?
  • Your Background & Expectations

  • How many total years of experience have you had with reseller channels?
  • At what stage is your current company's channel?
  • What roles do you currently or have you previously performed in the channel? Include which channel type (Enterprise, Retail, Online, MSP, etc.) Hold CTRL key to select all that apply.
  • What are you hoping to get out of this course? Any initial feedback?

Please submit, then continue the course (continue below to take the quiz).